I have produced a calendar of pictures which have all been taken in the last 12 months.
Featured birds include Turnstone, Red Kite, Crossbill, Greylag, Tree Sparrow, Song Thrush, Wren, Jackdaw and Greenfinch. Along with a Hedgehog, Small Copper Butterfly and a Banded Demoiselle.
The Calendars are on 170g glossy paper and have a wire binding and D shaped hanger with a card backing.
Not for profit I am selling the Calendars at cost plus £1 shared between Scarborough Field Naturalist Society and the PDSA. Calendars are £4.50 each (plus £1.00 postage and packing where necessary - uk only).
If you are interested please email me on randall3294@randall3294.freeserve.co.uk and I will send you a payment address. I promise to mail as soon as I have received the print run.