A weekend of contrast this one, yesterday was lovely today!
We did go this morning to Filey Dams in search of a Jack Snipe that had been seen early morning but no joy in the heavy winds and rain. Yesterday by contrast was lovely and we had a nice walk around Harwood Dale where I pictured this wasps nests and beautiful fungi. There was plenty of small birds including Bull Finch and Gold Finch. We also saw a male common darter.
The only problem with the walk we do in Harwood is that it is a rectangle and the last leg for us is always back down the road. the locals will know this gives open views out towards the N Y Moors. Pat says, 'I wonder if there are any Fieldfare in the fields where we have seen them before'. No says I , 'I don't know why you are wasting your time looking' dismissing her theory that they return to the same fields.
Next thing is a flock of birds in the air landing in the top of a tree. Guess what Fieldfare, well you can imagine the comments, I am gutted.
I want to get close to Bull Finch & Fieldfare this season, any advice welcome.
Sorry, for the lack of recent postings due to family commitments, decorating, visitors etc. Hope to do much more photography now.