Female Mandarin Duck

Male Mandarin Duck
record shot of Pied FlycatcherToday we have been to Bolton Abbey in the hope of seeing Pied Flycatchers for the first time, last year I saw pictures from this site of the bird and as we were too late when we visited Carmarthenshire last year I was eager for a lifer.
We crossed the river by the priory ruins and set off not knowing where the nest boxes for the bird might be. Eventually a couple said where they had seen them further on just before you come out of the woods at Barden Bridge but a few hundred yards on we had our first sightings.
We came across three pairs, a great little bird. Pictures were difficult below the tree canopy, into the sun, trying to focus between the tees and boughs so my best is a record shot.
After crossing Barden Bridge a pair of Mandarin Ducks were moving down river, I managed to get in front of them and get some shots when they were away from the river bank but in the circumstances I was disappointed with the results, I definitely needed to lug the tripod around which for once I had declined to do!
Also seen Goosander, Chafinch, Blackbird, Black Headed Gull, Blackcap, Mallards.
We had reports of Spotted Flyctcher and Common Redstart but not for us today.
Bolton Abbey and the River Wharfe is a great place, particularly on a beautiful day like today.