One of my aims early this winter was to photograph Bullfinch, I have had a few attempts and earlier posted an effort but they were always too distant.
Today we were supposedly off to Top Hill Low but a domestic plumbing problem meant that we set off from home two hours later than we wanted. We drove to the western entrance to Dalby Forest (the Great Yorkshire Forest) but yesterday' s snow meant the warden saying you could only drive to the visitors centre and we wanted to go beyond that so we came back out and drove to Snainton and up to Troutsdale where there is a parking area and forest path.
A short walk found this male Bullfinch who we tracked along the hedge line, usually hidden but close on occasions. The pictures seem blemished by moving foliage but probably my best of the species to date so don't always be despondent when things conspire against you, you never no what result you might get.