Pictures from Monday at Hornsea Mere.
A lone Dunlin flew down the shore of Hornsea Mere and landed ahead of me enabling a quite approach towards the spot. I could not see the bird just below the cusp of the bank and then it popped it's head up enabling the first shot. I then moved around to the side to get a better sighting. Could have done with better light on a very overcast day. The pictures were tken between showers.
Also pictures of a group of 8 Little Gulls on the end of a jetty by the rowing boats. Another 6 were sat on the next jetty.
Great Dunlin images Mike, I particularly liked the head shot.
The male black Darter (in previous post) was a good find as well, I don't see them in my area.
Thanks Roy.
I found the Black Darter same place last year.
It is very difficult to get a good picture, black against a light background. This years pictures are slightly better than last, I managed a crapy female shot too.
Gosh, what were you waiting for? You're a natural! Very lovely images.
Had a look at Hornsea Mere this morning Mike - similar numbers of Little Gull still present. Better light, but struggled to get any decent quality flight shots.
Thanks for your comments the Birdlady much appreciated.
The Little Gulls were just sat on the end of the Jetty's Dave when we were there so no flight shots even possible. I have seen some from Robert Hammond.
Nice shots Mike. I got the Jetty Gulls too. I also walked the southside where there was a barn owl hunting, which maybe good for future reference.
Thanks Marcus.
We have walked on the Southside once before, thanks for the tip.
We walked down towards the North West corner once until Pat saw Bull in Field signs!
Yet to find the Hull Valley Wildlife Group's hide.
Fantastic Dunlin shots Mike. Loved the Little Gull too.
Keep up the good work.
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