Wednesday, 18 August 2010

Black Darter (Sympetrum danae)

On a walk at the weekend we saw several species of Dragonfly including, Golden Ringed and a hawker species high in the top of some small birch trees, in the bright sun all were flying fast except for the Black Darters which we found in the snme place as previous years.

The male is especially difficult to photograph being almost totally black on the light sandy earthen bank and this years efforts seem a little better. The female was on a grass stem, a little difficult difficult for other stems, the wings looked as if they were still forming but that might just be the light reflections on them.



Chris said...

Ouah what a superb encounter Mike... Beautiful pictures you got, congrats!!

Mary Howell Cromer said...

Great Dragonfly images you have here. I did Dragonflies today too. They are such interesting creatures with their huge eyes.

Dominic Gendron said...

Very nice serie of images, the first one is very colorfull;)

Glen Webber (Wildlife Photography) said...

Wow Mike. Some really great Dragonfly photos!

FAB said...

Well captured Mike. I can fully appreciate the difficulty grabbing decent shots of the males. FAB.

Mike Randall Bird Photography said...

Thanks Chris, Mary, Dominic, Glen and Frank I appreciate your comments. The Black Darters are also small (as with other darters) compared to the hawkers.