We had a trip out tonight in the car with the intention of walking but the dark skies (lame excuse) meant we stayed in the car.
The first stopping point down a nearby lane produced an Egyptian Goose with 2 Greylags. More Greylags dropped in and they increased in numbers to 9. Also in the same field, two hares, pheasants, Red Legged Partridge, Stock Doves, Chaffinch and a Yellow Hammer.
Further down the lane a Blackcap, loads of Cowslips adorning the grass verges.
We saw lots of hares in different locations, well in excess of 20.
A Barn Owl quartering the fields came straight at me, in the light I had the camera at a ridiculous ISO3200 so the pictures have gone through Neat Imaging software. I also missed the nearest shots as the lens would not focus quick enough and the capture rate ground to a halt!
Live and learn, one day I will be there in good light.